15 November 2010

I Just Walked Across North Carolina

I made it to Jockey's Ridge State Park and climbed to the summit of the highest sand dune on the east coast of the U.S. Wow! What a great feeling to have completed something that fewer than 20 people have done before! It was a different moment from when I reached the summit of Baxter Peak on Katahdin at the end of the A.T. I felt a greater connection to this trail, this state, the wildlife, the woods, the ocean, the people. I fell in love with North Carolina in a way I never felt about my home state of Texas. I've always been proud to be a Texan, born and raised there until I was 9 and then I returned for 3 years in high school and college. But now, I cannot help but call North Carolina my home. I have a deep emotional and spiritual connection to this land, and to have trekked across it is a spectacular way to experience what The Old North State has to offer!

Check out my photos from the entire journey at this link:

14 November 2010

Atop Jockeys Ridge! Mountains to Sea Trail...Check! Next: get a job and/or go back to school. Anyone hiring?

13 November 2010

Made it through the ocean spill-over. Saw lots of waterfowl at Pea Island NWR. Will make it to Jockeys Ridge tomorrow, exactly 8 weeks from my start date!
I just forded the Atlantic! The road in Rodanthe is covered in calf high water from the high surf.

12 November 2010

This north wind is a real pain! I'm headed north so I'm walking into constant 20 mph winds! And its causing super high tides, making me miss some beach walk.

11 November 2010

Did some night hiking to get to my campground. Great beaches, cool maritime forest, but lots of wind and clouds from a nor'easter off shore.

10 November 2010

Made it to the Cedar Island Ferry, heading to the OBX! Received great trail magic at Davis Shore Provisions! Thanks so much to Mack and Kim for taking me in!

08 November 2010

Back on the road again. I'm headed Down East. Hitting the Cedar Island ferry to the OBX on Wednesday!

07 November 2010

The Neusiok Trail has been great! 3 shelters! And it's well maintained by the CCWC. Thanks to them for keeping up with this section of the MST! One week left!

05 November 2010

New Bern has lots of historical sites, and I enjoyed walking thru downtown. I stayed in Bridgeton across the Neuse River, and I'm only hiking 7 miles today.

04 November 2010

Roy and Geoff in Cove City are truly excellent people! I am so glad I met them! I hiked into New Bern in the rain. I may spoil myself with a motel tonight.

03 November 2010

Deep Thoughts from the Mountains to Sea Trail

Well, I have 200 miles left to go from here in Cove City. It's been a rainy day, and it looks like more rain is on the way tonight and through tomorrow. Yuck!

But here are some Deep Thoughts I've had while hiking over 750 miles to this point:
(note: some of these may be repeats from the Appalachian Trail)

1. The slower you go, the more you'll see, and the more you'll learn.

2. It's better to ask for forgiveness than permission.

3. The rain always stops eventually.

4. Find the beauty in ordinary, everday things and you'll see extraordinary things.

5. The good die young, and the bitter live forever. Is this because the "good" embrace life, and make their own happiness? And the "bitter" keep searching for happiness, but don't realize they have to make their own rather than hope it finds them?

02 November 2010

31-plus miles by sunset! And what a great sunset it was. Making great time across the Coastal Plain.